Showing posts with label Huldufolk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Huldufolk. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

"Little Talks" - Of Monsters And Men

Imma show you how proud I am
Remember back in the old days when people used to marry within their heritage to keep the bloodlines pure?  I guess you probably don't remember, because you'd be 700 years old now, and dead instead of reading this blog. Anyways, I like those days. I am annoyingly proud of my heritage (hey son, check out all of my foreign tattoos).  I am half Icelandic and half Ukranian.  Don't tell my Baba (Ukranian Grandma), but I might just be a little more proud to be Icelandic.  Come on, really though - even pierogi can't compete with Vikings!